Quantum Mechanics Experiments with ArduinoHow to make experiments on the photoelectric effect with just LED’s and resistors.Feb 7Feb 7
The integral of a normal distributionNo need to know the antiderivative of a function to compute its integral.Dec 8, 2024Dec 8, 2024
Reading Arduino data via BluetoothIn a previous story, I explained how to use Arduino to collect physics data and publish them via Bluetooth (or, better, BLE, which stands…Sep 7, 2023Sep 7, 2023
Published inCantor’s ParadisePlease, refrain from using the term “weak force”Use “weak interaction”, insteadAug 28, 20234Aug 28, 20234
Published inCantor’s ParadiseAn Unorthodox Lecture on Angular MomentumAn original approach to the introduction of a quantity which is often misunderstoodJul 9, 20231Jul 9, 20231
The distribution of the parameters in a two-parameters fitA visual explanation of why the uncertainties on parameters are found by looking for the intersection of profile of the χ² with a plane…Apr 12, 2023Apr 12, 2023
Published inTDS ArchiveHow Bayesian statistics works in updating probabilitiesHow experiments update knowledge leading to accurate probability estimatesJul 23, 2022Jul 23, 2022
The evolution of the likelihood with the parameters of the distributionor, how to find the uncertainties on parameters in a fitJul 20, 2022Jul 20, 2022
The least squares method to find the parameters of a data distributionand their uncertaintiesJul 16, 2022Jul 16, 2022
Published inCantor’s ParadiseHow the principle of Maximum Likelikood is applied to PhysicsStemming from the Bayes Theorem, the principle of Maximum Likelihood (ML) is a powerful tool to estimate the value of unknown parametersJul 2, 20221Jul 2, 20221